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How OOH advertising boosts TV, Radio, and Online Campaigns [INFOGRAPHIC]

Learn how out-of-home is the perfect match for TV, Radio, Online, or Social marketing campaigns

March 4, 2021

Below you'll find the text version of all the information included in the infographic above. If you'd like to learn more about how elevator advertising packages well with other forms, contact us at


Out-of home advertising improves your overall campaign results


Multimedia campaigns have a higher ROI than single media campaigns, according to research by Analytic Partners in 2019. The ROI index of a single platform media platform (100), increased with two media platforms (119), three media platforms (123), four media platforms (131), and five media platforms (135). The more types of media included in a campaign, the more effective it was. "Splitting available budget avoids individual tactics reaching diminishing returns. Multiple platforms also drive “synergies” as holistic support leads to the message sticking with consumers longer and having deeper influence on decisions"

“The combination of TV, Digital and Out of Home drives a 27% increase on top of the ROI delivered by each of the mediums separately.”

Paul Sinkinson, Managing Director of Analytic Partners*

Broadcast Television and OOH:

Campaigns that included OOH with their TV buy see a 21% lift in ROI**

  • OOH reinforces television ads when viewers are away from their homes
  • OOH improves an advertiser’s campaign by providing the ability to target ad messages geographically
  • OOH reaches light TV viewers who are younger, mobile, and more affluent than heavy TV viewers


Radio and OOH:

Campaigns that included OOH with their radio buy see a 12% lift in ROI**

  • The combo of radio and OOH reaches a mobile audience, balancing of sight and sound.
  • Visual advertising that matches radio ad messaging increases the recall of brand messaging
  • Radio messages are susceptible to channel surfing. OOH can ensure brand exposure during an audience’s journey. 


Online/ Social / Search and OOH:

Campaigns that included OOH boost ROI in Online advertising (by 31%), Paid-social (by 56%), and Search (by 80%).** 

Nielsen data shows OOH is the best driver of online engagements per dollar VS. other media. Of U.S. adults who have seen an OOH ad:***

Of U.S. adults who have seen an OOH ad:

  • 46% performed an online search
  • 38% took an action on Facebook
  • 23% took an action on Twitter
  • 25% took an action on Instagram

OOH is more effective than TV (382%),  print (200%), and radio (63%) in driving consumers online.****


About Vertical Impression’s Elevator Advertising


Residential Elevator Screen Advertising


Canada’s largest residential elevator screen network. We connect brands to Canadians close to home.


  • Canada-wide residential network
  • 2000+ screens by the end of 2021
  • Package deals with TV, Online, and Radio
  • AI-powered gender and age group ad targeting 
  • Brand ad attention report with every campaign

To learn more about our network, download our media kit here.


*2019 Analytic Partners oOh!media ROI Study

**Rapport, IPG Mediabrands 2018 Study

***Nielsen’s 2017 Out-of-Home Online Activation Study

****OAAA Value Guide


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